- I apologize for … / We apologize for …
ex) I apologize for making a mistake. / We apologize for him not being here. = his absence.
- I'm really sorry for / that …
- I'm terribly sorry for / that …
- I'm sorry for / that … / We're sorry that …
- Sorry for / that …
- Please accept my apologies.(私の謝罪を受け入れてください)
- I'm sorry that I missed your speech.(あなたのスピーチ聴き逃してごめんなさい)
- I apologize for missing your speech.(あなたのスピーチを聴き逃して申し訳ありません)
- Sorry to keep you waiting.(待たせてごめん)
- Let me make up for it.(それの補償をさせてください)
Ref) Let me do something to make your happy again.
- I'm sorry for the inconvenience.(ご不便をおかけして申し訳ありません)
- Why don't we … ?(…しませんか?)
= Let's …
- Why don't you … ?(…しませんか? / なぜ…しないの?)
= You could …
- Something urgent came up.(緊急事態が発生しました)
- Some team member were sick.
- I just forgot, I don't have any excuse, I'm so sorry.(忘れただけで、何の言い訳もないです。すみません)
- It won't happen again.(もう二度としません)
- From now on, we will always …(これからは常に…します)
- I can assure you, in the future we will … : (以後、私たちは…します / お約束します)
時間より前 vs 時間通り
- in time (vs) on time
- arrive on time = at 8:30(定刻通り)
- arrive in time = before 8:30(定刻より少し前)
謝る理由 vs 謝る相手
- apologize for (something)
- apologize to (someone)
- I have some bad news.(悪い知らせがあります。)
- I'd like to speak to you about …(…についてお話したいです。)
- embarrassed(きまり悪がる、当惑した、困った)
ex) I feel embarrassed. = shy
- (coffee) stain = mark
- run off = make a copy
- spill (a drink) on …(…に飲み物をこぼす)
- It's over there <=> right here(ちょうどここに)
- blame(非難する、…のせいにする)
- excuse(弁明する、許す、勘弁する)
- double-check(二重点検する)
- Unfortunately(不幸にも、不運にも):
because :
From free talk / Useful phrases
- It blew my mind away.(それは私を仰天させた)[blow your mind(仰天した、大変驚愕した)]
- go pub crawling(はしご酒に行く)= go to many places at one night
- black out(暗くする、消灯する、報道管制をする)
Ref) blacked out(失神する) = forgot last night
- working in Japanese.[language]
working with Japanese people.