- Basically … => simplifying and summarizing.
- The main difference is … => talking about the differences between things.
Ref) What makes them different is …
- Of course, and … => saying yes and giving more information.
- Let me check with … => you need to ask someone else for an answer.
- I'm not sure. I'll look into it and get back to you. => you don't know the answer at all.
- To summarize, …(要約すると…)
- To sum up, …(要約すると…)
- To recap, …(要点をまとめると…)
- In a nutshell, …(一言で言えば…)
- To cut a long story short, …(手短に言うと…)
- thirty five hundred(3,500)
- one point two million(1,200,000)
- competitive(競争の、競争的な)
Ex) The price is competitive.
- high-end(ハイエンドの, 最高仕様の)
= for rich people
- high-tech(ハイテクの)
= technologically advanced
- one-of-a-kind(個性派、オリジナル)
- spacious(広々とした、雄大な)
- conventional(社会的慣習による、因習的な、型にはまった、紋切り型の)
- petrol(ガソリンの)
= gas / gasoline
From free talk / Useful phrases
- Off the top of my head, …(考えなしに、即座に、自然に)
= I guess …
- It's conventional.(それは従来のものです)
= It's standard.
- It's one-of -a-kind.(それはオリジナルのものです)
= original, unique
- It's spacious.(広々としている)
= It has a lot of space.
- A: What colors does it come in?(どんな色がありますか?)
B: It comes in red and blue.(赤と青があります) = we have red and blue.