- I understand where you are coming from.(あなたの言いたいことはわかります。あなたの気持ちはわかります。)
= I understand you position, but …
= I understand your opinion, but …
= I understand your point of view, but …
- That's a good idea, but it could be too expensive.(良い提案だが、非常に高価だろう)
- It's too difficult for (noun)([noun]は非常に難しい)
- It's too difficult to [phrase]([phase]することは非常に難しい)
- will probably = definitely
- will = very likely
- might = likely
- possible = unlikely
- won't = very unlikely
- probably won't = definitely not
- I will probably not go to the meeting unless manage can't go.(マネージャが行けない限り、私は会議に行くするだろう)[90%〜]
- likely will vs will likely
=> will likelyが一般的。likely willは強調時に用いる。
- It's possible …(…は可能だ)
- It's possible we will receive more bonuses.
- We will possibly receive more bonuses.
条件(〜である限り / 〜でない限り)
- That could work, as long as it's sunny.(晴れている限り、それはできます)
- We could use Bush Park Field Center, but there might not be enough parking.(Bush Park Field Centerは利用可能だが、十分な駐車場がないだろう)
- That might work… unless it's already booked.(予約で一杯でない限り、うまくいくだろう)
- That won't work
- That wouldn't work
- That -couldn't- work[過去的な意味になる]
- In general(ほとんど)
- obligatory(義務としてなすべき、義務的な、義務となって、必修の)
= mandatory
- be tipsy(ほろ酔いの、千鳥足の)
= I'm tipsy. = I'm a bit drunk.
- be wasted(むだな、無益な、衰弱した、やせ衰えた、酒に酔った、麻薬中毒の)
= I'm wasted. = I'm really drunk.
- provided that …(…である限り)
= as long as …
- another country(一カ国) / other countries(複数カ国)
- work flexible hours(始業・終業の時間を自由に選択して働く)
From free talk / Useful phrases
- What if [SVO] ? (もし〜ならば、どうしますか?)
- Unless [A], (then) B.(Aでない限り、Bです)
= If Not [A],(then) B.(もしAでないならば、Bです)
- It's out of our budget.(予算外です)
= It's beyond our budget.
- go on a strike(ストライキをする)
= publicly protest against some rules
- be in a rush / in a hurry(急いで)
- What do you think about …ing?(…についてどう思いますか?)