Gaba英会話復習: Level6-7 I’m afraid we need it immediately - “Using Phones” & “Requesting”



  • I'm calling about …
    Ex)I'm calling about an overdue invoice. It hasn't been paid.
  • I'm afraid I need to talk to you about …
  • We need to talk about …
  • There's a problem with …


  • The shipment hasn't been delivered.(荷物が届いていない)
  • The shipment arrived damaged.(荷物は破損して到着した)
  • We shipped your shipment two months ago, have you received it since?(二ヶ月前に発送しましたが、それを受け取りました?)



  • We need it by next week.
  • It has to be paid by next week.
  • We want it paid by this month.(今月までに支払ってほしい)


  • Is there an way you could send it tomorrow?(明日それを送れますか?)
  • Would you be able to send us another one?(別のものを送っていただけますか?)
  • Could you manage to pay half of it this month?(今月、半額お支払いいただけますか?)


  • Well, how about paying half now, and the reset next month?(そしたら半額は今お支払いで、残りは来月でどうですか?)
  • Perhaps we can work something out. Can you send us ten units now and the reset of the order next week?(おそらく、私たちはなんとかできると思います。 あなたは今10ユニットを送り、来週の注文をリセットできますか?)
  • If you can pay in cash, then we can wait until Friday.(もし現金で支払うなら、金曜日まで待てます)
  • **We could accept* weekly installments.(我々は毎週の分割払いを受け入れることができます)
  • Well, pay what you can this month, and we'll go from there.(今月できるだけ支払って、その時点でまた話し合いましょう)


  • It's understandable. It should be fine.(それは理解できます。仕方がないですね)
  • It should be fine, however can you make sure it's a morning delivery?(仕方がないですね。でも朝の配送であることを確認できますか?)
  • There's nothing we can do.(できることは何もないですね)


  • pay in installments(分割払い)
  • learning curve(学習曲線)
  • Say(例えば…)
    Ex)Look at the map of a large city, say London or New York.(大都会、たとえばロンドンとかニューヨークの地図を見なさい)
    You will have to pay some money on account, say [let's say] five dollars.(内金を少し、そうだねえ、まあ 5 ドルぐらい入れなければならないだろう)
  • Over the next 3 months(今後三ヶ月間)
  • chapter11(連邦倒産法第11章)

From free talk / Useful phrases

  • The inconvenience we're caused.(私達が引き起こした不便)
  • What did you have in mind?(何を思っていたんだ?)
    = What were you thinking?
    = more details
  • Our server couldn't handle the traffic.(我々のサーバはそのトラフィックをさばけなかった)
  • Can you specify the time?(時間指定できますか?)
  • We'd like to continue our partnership.(パートナーシップを継続したい)