2017/06/07 22:18 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_6 That works for me - "Scheduling" Phrase 暇なのか忙しいのか 暇 Friday is good for me. I’m free on Thu...
2017/06/07 22:15 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_5 Excuse me, I’m looking for … - "Asking Answering" Phrase 場所・行き方を尋ねる 定型的なやつ Could you tell me where I ...
2017/06/07 22:13 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_4 I’d love to help, but … - "Requesting" & "Responding" Phrase 物を借りる 相手との関係性が親密になっていくと Excuse me, wou...
2017/05/25 06:44 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_3 You’re the boss - "Describing" Phrase 組織図の説明 定型的なやつ She’s in charge of Accounting.(彼...
2017/05/24 22:01 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_2 A colorful new office - ”Expressing” Phrase 考えを表現する 定型的なやつ I think …(私は…と思う。) ex) I...
2017/05/23 22:41 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_1 Watch your step - "Meeting People" Phrase 約束して人と会う 定型的なやつ My name is …. I have an appoin...