2017/12/22 06:17 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_15 If you really want to impress them … - “Explaining” Phrase アドバイス(していい/するべき/しなければならない) When sh...
2017/12/22 06:14 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_14 How did that happen? - “Asking and Answering” Phrase 理由・意見を述べる This happened because … The reason is … I...
2017/12/22 06:04 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_13 You use a local distributor, right? - “Asking and Answering” Phrase 知ってることを確認する …, right? ex) That's the new 45 nanom...
2017/11/04 13:52 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_12 Any publicity is good publicity - “Asking and Answering” Phrase 最良の手段を問う What is the best way to reach college stude...
2017/11/04 13:49 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_11 A bright idea - “Requesting” Phrase 規則を… go by the book(慣例に従う) = follow the rules(規...
2017/11/04 13:46 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_10 Review Review 助けを提案する Need a hand?(手が必要?) Do you need a hand...
2017/08/31 22:45 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_9 Checking out the factory - “Asking and Answering” Phrase 質問する(疑問文) How much does it cost to …?(…するのにど...
2017/08/31 22:00 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_8 Choosing a celebrity sponsor - “Expressing” Phrase 提案・確認 Don't you agree? You'd like … wouldn't you? You'd...
2017/08/22 17:26 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_7 So what you’re saying is … - “Asking and Answering” Phrase 相手の言ったことを確認する Excuse me, did you say …?(すみま...
2017/08/07 20:29 Gabsa英会話復習: Level5_6 First class hotel? - “Complaining” Phrase 苦情を言う(状況) There's something wrong with …(…に何か問...
2017/08/04 07:28 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_5 Bringing bubble tea to Japan - “Asking and Answering” Phrase イディオム的な表現 We’re on the same page.(共通認識を持って...
2017/07/25 20:56 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_4 Where do we stand? - “Explaining” Phrase 時系列上の表現 Past(A)—————Past(B)—————Now(C)—————Future(D)—...
2017/07/15 11:02 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_3 Sorry I’m late - “Apologizing” Phrase 謝るとき I apologize for … / We apologize for … ex) I apolog...
2017/07/07 07:10 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_2 You want me to be a gofer? - “Asking and Answering” Phrase 自分の仕事や責任について尋ねる 何をするのか(どんな仕事なの...
2017/07/01 18:33 Gaba英会話復習: Level5_1 Need a hand? - “Offering" Phrase 助けを提案する Offering Can I help you with that? Do you nee...
2017/06/24 17:08 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_20 Review Review 週末の予定を聞く What are you planning do this weekend? What...
2017/06/22 23:09 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_10 Review Review 自分の意見を言う I believe the best option is to invest in s...
2017/06/07 22:59 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_19 Sorry, can I ask a question? - "Asking and Answering" Phrase 話を遮って聞く I’m sorry, could you / I … Excuse me, but … I...
2017/06/07 22:54 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_18 Whatever you do, don’t … - ”Explaining” Phrase 助けを依頼する How do I (use) …?(…を(使って)いいですか?) ...
2017/06/07 22:48 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_17 Puffer fish? I thought it was poisonous - "Describing" Phrase 調理方法 How is tempura prepared?(天ぷらはどのように作りま...
2017/06/07 22:43 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_16 She just left - "Using Phones" Phrase 電話の相手がいるかどうか May I please speak to Mr.Kato?(加...
2017/06/07 22:40 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_15 It’s user-friendly - "Describing" Phrase 商品の特徴を説明する Could you tell me about this laptop?(...
2017/06/07 22:37 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_14 Do I have to wear a tie? - "Asking and Answering" Phrase していいか / すべきかを尋ねる Can I smoke in the building?(...
2017/06/07 22:35 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_13 - Cha Cha’s Tea Cafe - "Describing" Phrase 会社の歴史を説明する When did the first Cha Cha’s open in To...
2017/06/07 22:33 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_12 A new marketing strategy - "Describing" Phrase %で答える(色んな聞き方) What percentage of employees work...
2017/06/07 22:29 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_11 How've you been? - "Socializing" Phrase 挨拶的なやつ 以下は大体同じ意味 What’s up?(何かあった?)【...
2017/06/07 22:27 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_9 Let’s call it ‘Pirate’s Brew’ - "Desicion-making" Phrase 意見を述べる 強さ We should definitely … I think … Ref) I do...
2017/06/07 22:24 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_8 Salaries increased dramatically - "Presenting" Phrase 折れ線グラフの説明 一般的な表現 上昇 skyrocketed [skyrocket]...
2017/06/07 22:21 Gaba英会話復習: Level4_7 Can you make it? - "Offering" & "Responding" Phrase 来れるか聞く 相手との関係性がより親密になっていくと I’d appr...